It’s back to school! When can I start my home renovation?

This blog is part of Greening Homes’ Planning a Renovation series.
It’s back to school time (and back to life) time.
Now that the kids and you are back to reality after the summer break, you may be taking a serious look at your dream home renovation. You are not alone. This time of year, we field many inquiries. Some have returned from summer holidays and have put off their plans until now; others have purchased a house as the real estate market heats up and want to make changes.
Many hope for a completed renovation by the time the December holidays roll around. While this turnaround is not impossible, it will depend on the project’s scope.
If the scope is small and does not require architectural plans, structural engineering and permitting – which alone can eat up about two months, and if we and the subtrades are able to fit it in then, yes, a short turnaround may happen.
If your scope involves professional plans and permitting, then you might want to hold off inviting people over for the holidays, especially if your project involves a kitchen. Kitchens in particular need time, especially when factoring in cabinetry design, construction and delivery.
Our advice: plan well. This involves understanding your project’s scope and your personal needs. Is this a good time to start a home renovation? Children back to school and other needs may dominate your attention right now. Adding a home renovation in the mix, which quickly becomes a temporary part time job when you factor in the planning, decisions and product selection involved, could add undo stress.
There may be a compelling reason to renovate your home as soon as possible, but in our experience, projects that are rushed can result in decisions that are later regretted.
If you have a large project in mind, we advise that you take the time to plan well in the fall, which includes acquiring the plans and permits needed, and begin the renovation in the New Year.
Ensure that you are prepared. Clear your calendar as much as you can. Plan where you will be during the time the renovation team start on your home. As stated in a previous blog, we urge homeowners to live away from their home during this time to save time, money, and most importantly your sanity!
Bottom line: Ensure that your dream home renovation really is a dream – in both process and outcome. Take the time required to plan well your renovation – and life during this process.
The Toronto Fall Home Show at the Enercare Centre offers a great opportunity to receive feedback on your home renovation plans. Greening Homes will be there (booth #647), September 28 to 30. Be sure to drop by!
This article originally appeared in Neighbours of High Park Magazine.